Jumbo Loan

Jumbo mortgages are home loans that exceed conforming loan limits which is is $766,550 in most areas of the country.

Jumbo loans are mortgage loans that exceed conforming loan limits which is above the conventional/conforming loan limit. A jumbo loan is one way to buy a high-priced or luxury home.

If you have a lower debt-to-income ratio, a higher credit score, and a larger down payment, a jumbo loan may be right for you.

Best For:

  • Increased purchase limits
  • The lowest rates for higher-priced properties.
  • Fixed-rate and ARM options

Borrower(s) Qualifications:

  • Are buying a home that exceeds conforming loan limits
  • Have an established credit history
  • Can put at least 10% down on a home
  • 6 months Principal Interest Taxes and Insurance in reserves required (and HOA if applicable)